Click here for the December schedule of Hispanic Community activites
Click here for information in Spanish about the events for Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations
Click here for information in English about the events for Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrations
Hispanic Committee Report - October
Click here to read additional information from the Hispanic Committe
Clickhere to read the minutes from the recent Hispanic Community
Hispanic Sacraments Committee:
It is necessary that parents be registered and active for a minimum of 6 months; before beginning the process. Godparents must be married in the Church, proof may be required. You must be a registered, active, contributing member of your Church. To register call the office at 503-792-4231
Pre-Baptismal Classes (Children 0-6 years) by appointment only.
Marriage: Couples must contact the office at least six months in advance. At least one of the two must be registered in our parish. The Catholic couple must be an active Catholic and participating in the life of the church. If the Catholic couple planning to marry in our parish is not an active member, he or she should be actively participating in another Catholic parish. (The pastor is going to request a letter from his parish.)