There is so much wonderful Catholic content on Formed. The parish has a subscription, so it's free to sign up and have all the wonderful content from Formed at your fingertips. You can watch or read content on your computer or device anywhere and anytime. Check out the weekly recommendations on the site or select books, movies or studies to learn more about the Catholic faith! Sign in HERE and enter our parish name for free access.
There is so much wonderful Catholic content on Formed. The parish has a subscription, so it's free to sign up and have all the wonderful content from Formed at your fingertips. You can watch or read content on your computer or device anywhere and anytime. Check out the weekly recommendations on the site or select books, movies or studies to learn more about the Catholic faith! Sign in HERE and enter our parish name or type in Gervais for free access.
If your job schedule doesn't permit you time to attend daily Mass, did you know that you can listen to an audible version of the daily readings from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' website? While you're getting ready for work, or before you leave your driveway, you can click click HERE and listen hands-free right from your cell phone.
There is so much wonderful Catholic content on Formed. The parish has a subscription, so it's free to sign up and have all the wonderful content from Formed at your fingertips. You can watch or read content on your computer or device anywhere and anytime. Check out the weekly recommendations on the site or select books, movies or studies to learn more about the Catholic faith! Sign in HERE and enter our parish name or enter Gervais for free access.
If your job schedule doesn't permit you time to attend daily Mass, did you know that you can listen to an audible version of the daily readings from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' website? While you're getting ready for work, or before you leave your driveway, you can click click HERE and listen hands-free right from your cell phone.
Is JESUS important enough to you, to set aside one hour each week to be with Him? In everything you do put God first. Please consider one of the open hours: *Monday 3-4 am; *Tuesday midnight-1 am; 1-2 am; 2-3 am; *Wednesday 3-4 am; 11 pm-midnight; *Thursday 8-9 pm; 9-10 pm; *Friday noon-1 pm; 1-2 pm; 2-3 pm
Would you like to serve our parish in a very special way? We are in need of volunteers for altar servers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and readers at Mass. Servers can be boys or girls who have already received their First Communion. If you are high school age and above, please consider being a reader at Mass. Training for all three will be provided. If interested, provide your name and contact information to the parish office.
Eucharistic Adoration is exactly what it sounds like. We worship our Lord and honor the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist exposed within our chapel. And we listen and open ourselves to His grace. The following hours are available: Open Hours / Horas Disponibles: Monday/Lunes 1:00 to 2:00 pm Tuesday/Martes 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Wednesday/Miercoles 8:00 am to 9:00 pm Wednesday/Miercoles 10:00 am to 12:00 noon Thursday/Jueves Midnight to 1:00 am Thursday/Jueves 1:00 am to 2:00 am Thursday/Jueves 2:00 am to 3:00 am Thursday/Jueves 3:00 am to 4:00 am Friday/Viernes 1:00 am to 2:00 am
On the last Thursdays of each month throughout 2021, we invite you to a 5 pm holy hour followed by Benediction and Mass at Sacred Heart Church............There will be a special holy hour on April 29th in honor of St. Joseph from 5 to 6 pm. Benediction and Mass will follow.............You can find videos and talks about St. Joseph on Formed. Sign up today. Just type in our parish zip code, enter your name and email and enjoy the massive amount of Catholic content!
Did you know that by attending Mass regularly each weekend, you stay in a State of Grace before Our Good Lord and in Communion with Him? He asks of you to give Him one hour each week in exchange for unimaginable graces given your soul by receiving Him in Holy Eucharist. Summer does not mean no Mass. Summer means Mass and frequent reception of Jesus in the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Eucharist! It is the privileged encounter with Jesus Christ! If you should have the misfortune to miss Mass for a selfish reason, please don't forget to go to Confession before you receive the Eucharist again.